ForgeUI CSS components do not require JavaScript, and can be used freely once the ForgeUI CSS has been included on the page.

Most of the styling can be configured through CSS variables. Global CSS variables are listed below, while component-specific variables can be found alongside in the documentation for each component.

All CSS variables are flagged as !default in ForgeUI, so you can override them at any point.

VariableTypeDefault ValueDescription
$primary-color Color #2199e8 Used throughout styling whenever the primary class can be appended to an element.
$secondary-color Color #777 Used throughout styling whenever the secondary class can be appended to an element.
$success-color Color #3adb76 Used throughout styling whenever the success class can be appended to an element.
$warning-color Color #ffae00 Used throughout styling whenever the warning class can be appended to an element.
$alert-color Color #ec5840 Used throughout styling whenever the alert class can be appended to an element. This color is also used to color input borders and error messages when the input value is invalid.
$white Color #fefefe Used by default as the body background color. Change this value when you want the default white color to change site-wide. To change only the body background color, use the $body-background variable.
$light-gray Color #e6e6e6 Used by default as the default pill background color. Change this value when you want the default light gray color to change site-wide. To change only the pill default background color, use the $pill-background-color-default variable.
$medium-gray Color #cacaca Placeholder for a medium gray variable; currently unused.
$dark-gray Color #8a8a8a Used by default as the default tab nav color. Change this value when you want the default dark gray color to change site-wide. To change only the tab nav color, use the $tab-nav-font-color variable.
$black Color #0a0a0a Used by default as the body font color and the base for transparent overlay colors. Change this value when you want the default black color to change site-wide. To change only body font color or overlay base colors, use the appropriate variable.
$overlay-opacity Number 0.6 The opacity of various overlays in ForgeUI; used in conjunction with base colors to add alpha transparency for overlays.
$global-width Number rem-calc(1200) The default maximum column width.
$body-background Color $white The default body background color.
$global-margin Number 1rem Used throughout the site to vertically space out various content elements.
$global-padding Number 1rem Used throughout the site to add padding to various elements.
$global-radius Number 2px The default border radius.



Returns an equivalent size in rem.

sizeInPx Integer true The size in px to convert to rem.

p {
  font-size: rem-calc(16); // 1rem

h1 {
  font-size: rem-calc(24); // 1.5rem

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Simple clearfix mixin.

.container {
  @include .clearfix();

  img {
    float: left;

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Media Queries

ForgeUI uses a set of media query mixins modeled after the type of device you want to apply styling to. ForgeUI is mobile first, so mobile styling should be applied first, and overrides for larger screen sizes should be applied with media queries.

Please use the small-only media query sparingly!

(max-width: $breakpoint-medium - 1)
(min-width: $breakpoint-medium)
(min-width: $breakpoint-medium) and (max-width: $breakpoint-large - 1)
(min-width: $breakpoint-large)

@include small-only() {
  // mobile only styling

@include medium-up() {
  // tablet and larger styling

@include medium-only() {
  // tablet only styling

@include large-up() {
  // desktop and larger styling

ForgeUI also has a full list of visibility helpers that can be used anywhere. The visibility classes only apply display: none; where appropriate, never any other display class. So these utilities are usable on elements with any type of display.

  • This text shows on small screens
  • This text shows on medium screens
  • This text shows on medium or larger screens
  • This text shows on large screens
  • This text hides on small screens
  • This text hides on medium screens
  • This text hides on large screens

<div class="alert-box secondary">
    <li class="show-small">This text shows on <em>small</em> screens</li>
    <li class="show-medium-up">This text shows on <em>medium or larger</em> screens</li>
    <li class="show-medium">This text shows on <em>medium</em> screens</li>
    <li class="show-large">This text shows on <em>large</em> screens</li>
    <li class="hide-small">This text hides on <em>small</em> screens</li>
    <li class="hide-medium">This text hides on <em>medium</em> screens</li>
    <li class="hide-large">This text hides on <em>large</em> screens</li>
VariableTypeDefault ValueDescription
$breakpoint-medium Number 600px The default breakpoint for medium screens.
$breakpoint-large Number 1200px The default breakpoint for large screens.

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ForgeUI sports the following helpers for quick and common CSS additions:

.show-small Show for small screens only.
.show-medium Show for medium screens only.
.show-medium-up Show for medium and large screens.
.show-large Show for large screens.
.hide-small Hide for small screens.
.hide-medium Hide for medium screens.
.hide-medium-up Hide for medium and large screens.
.hide-large Hide for large screens.
.text-left Left align text.
.text-right Right align text.
.text-center Center align text.
.uppercase Capitalize text.
.float-left Float element left.
.float-right Float element right.

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h1. Lorem Ipsum

h2. Lorem Ipsum

h3. Lorem Ipsum

h4. Lorem Ipsum

h5. Lorem Ipsum
h6. Lorem Ipsum

p. Lorem Ipsum

small. Lorem Ipsum


<h1>h1. Lorem Ipsum</h1>
<h2>h2. Lorem Ipsum</h2>
<h3>h3. Lorem Ipsum</h3>
<h4>h4. Lorem Ipsum</h4>
<h5>h5. Lorem Ipsum</h5>
<h6>h6. Lorem Ipsum</h6>
<p>p. Lorem Ipsum</p>
<p><small>small. Lorem Ipsum</small></p>
<p><a href="#">Link</a></p>
VariableTypeDefault ValueDescription
$body-font-color Color $black The default body font color.
$body-font-family String 'Open Sans', sans-serif The default body font family.
$global-weight-normal String or Number normal The default font weight for normal text.
$global-weight-bold String or Number bold The default font weight for bold text.
$base-font-size Number 16 Used as the base font size when calculating rem via the rem-calc() function.
$paragraph-font-family String inherit Paragraph font family.
$paragraph-font-weight String or Number normal Paragraph font weight.
$paragraph-font-size Number $base-font-size Paragraph font size.
$paragraph-line-height Number 1.6 Paragraph line height.
$paragraph-margin-bottom Number 20 Paragraph bottom margin.
$paragraph-text-rendering String optimizeLegibility Paragraph text rendering.
$header-font-family String 'Hind', sans-serif Heading font family.
$header-font-weight String or Number bold Header font weight.
$header-font-style String normal Header font style
$header-font-color Color #222 Header font color.
$header-line-height Number 1.4 Header line height.
$header-top-margin Number .2rem Header top margin.
$header-bottom-margin Number .5rem Header bottom margin.
$header-text-rendering String optimizeLegibility Header text rendering.
$h1-font-size Number 44 H1 font size.
$h2-font-size Number 37 H2 font size.
$h3-font-size Number 27 H3 font size.
$h4-font-size Number 23 H4 font size.
$h5-font-size Number 18 H5 font size.
$h6-font-size Number $base-font-size H6 font size.
$small-font-size Number 60% Font size for small elements nested inside a header.
$small-font-color Color scale-color($header-font-color, $lightness 35%) Small element font color.
$anchor-text-decoration String none Anchor text decoration.
$anchor-font-color Color $primary-color Anchor font color.
$anchor-font-color-hover Color scale-color($primary-color, $lightness -14%) Anchor hover font color.
$hr-border-width Number 1px HR size.
$hr-border-style String solid HR border style.
$hr-border-color Color $medium-gray HR border color.
$hr-margin Number 20px HR margins.

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So. Many. Buttons.

Each button needs a button class. The following classes can be mixed and matched to change the type of button:

  • secondary
  • success
  • warning
  • alert
  • hollow
  • tiny
  • small
  • large
  • expand
  • inline-form

<div class="row">
  <div class="small-12 large-6 column">
      <button type="button" class="button">Button</button>
      <button type="button" class="button secondary">Button</button>
      <button type="button" class="button success">Button</button>
      <button type="button" class="button warning">Button</button>
      <button type="button" class="button alert">Button</button>
      <button type="button" class="button tiny">Button</button>
      <button type="button" class="button small">Button</button>
      <button type="button" class="button">Button</button>
      <button type="button" class="button large">Button</button>
      <button type="button" class="button hollow">Button</button>
      <button type="button" class="button hollow secondary">Button</button>
      <button type="button" class="button hollow success">Button</button>
      <button type="button" class="button hollow warning">Button</button>
      <button type="button" class="button hollow alert">Button</button>
  <div class="small-12 large-6 column">
      <button type="button" class="button expand">Button</button>
      <button type="button" class="button expand hollow">Button</button>
      <button type="button" class="button expand tiny">Button</button>
      <button type="button" class="button expand small">Button</button>
      <button type="button" class="button expand">Button</button>
      <button type="button" class="button expand large">Button</button>
VariableTypeDefault ValueDescription
$button-color Color #fefefe Button text color.
$button-font-size Number 14 Button font color.
$button-font-family String inherit Button font family.
$button-line-height Number 1 Button line height.
$button-hover-darken Number 10% The amount to darken the button background color on hover.
$button-border-color Color transparent Button border color.
$button-border-size Number 1px button border size.
$button-border-style String solid Button border style.
$button-hollow-border-size Number 1px Border size for hollow buttons.
$button-hollow-border-style String solid Button border style for hollow buttons.
$button-radius Number $global-radius Button border radius.
$button-padding Number 0.85em 1em Button padding.
$button-margin Number 0 0 1rem 0 Button margins.
$button-background-color-default Color $primary-color Default button background color.
$button-background-color-secondary Color $secondary-color Secondary button background color.
$button-background-color-success Color $success-color Success button background color.
$button-background-color-warning Color $warning-color Warning button background color.
$button-background-color-alert Color $alert-color Alert button background color.
$button-background-color-hover-default Color darken($button-background-color-default, $button-hover-darken) Default button hover background color.
$button-background-color-secondary-hover Color darken($secondary-color, $button-hover-darken) Secondary button hover background color.
$button-background-color-success-hover Color darken($success-color, $button-hover-darken) Success button hover background color.
$button-background-color-warning-hover Color darken($warning-color, $button-hover-darken) Warning button hover background color.
$button-background-color-alert-hover Color darken($alert-color, $button-hover-darken) Alert button hover background color.
$button-tiny-font-size Number 10 Tiny button font size.
$button-small-font-size Number 12 Small button font size.
$button-large-font-size Number 20 Large button font size.

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Pills are a simple way to highlight a portion of text. They are inline elements and can be modified by any of the color classes

  • default
  • primary
  • secondary
  • success
  • warning
  • alert

<ul class="inline">
  <li><span class="pill">default</span></li>
  <li><span class="pill primary">primary</span></li>
  <li><span class="pill secondary">secondary</span></li>
  <li><span class="pill success">success</span></li>
  <li><span class="pill warning">warning</span></li>
  <li><span class="pill alert">alert</span></li>
VariableTypeDefault ValueDescription
$pill-radius Number $global-radius Pill border radius.
$pill-background-color-default Color $light-gray Default pill background color.

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Grid columns should be nested under a row element. Columns can be separated using a 12-column system with small, medium, and large prefixes for responsive changes in column flow. All columns should include the column class.


<div class="row">
  <div class="small-12 column">12</div>
<div class="row">
  <div class="small-1 column">1</div>
  <div class="small-2 column">2</div>
  <div class="small-3 column">3</div>
  <div class="small-6 column">6</div>
<div class="row">
  <div class="small-4 column">4</div>
  <div class="small-8 column">8</div>
VariableTypeDefault ValueDescription
$grid-row-width Number $global-width The maximum width of a grid row. Rows that are shorter than their prent element will be horizontally centered.
$grid-column-count Number 12 The maximum number of columns per row.
$grid-column-gutter Number 30px The spacing between columns. Each row will include negative left and right margins equal to half of this value.

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Block Grid

The block grid uses a row parent just like the normal grid, but instead of setting the column size on the column, it is set with a small-up-X, medium-up-X, or large-up-X class, where X represents the number of columns before each line break, and is a number 1 through $block-grid-column-count (8 by default).


<div class="row small-up-8">
  <div class="column">1</div>
  <div class="column">2</div>
  <div class="column">3</div>
  <div class="column">4</div>
  <div class="column">5</div>
  <div class="column">6</div>
  <div class="column">7</div>
  <div class="column">8</div>
  <div class="column">9</div>
  <div class="column">10</div>
  <div class="column">11</div>
  <div class="column">12</div>
  <div class="column">13</div>
  <div class="column">14</div>
  <div class="column">15</div>
  <div class="column">16</div>
  <div class="column">17</div>
  <div class="column">18</div>
  <div class="column">19</div>
  <div class="column">20</div>
VariableTypeDefault ValueDescription
$block-grid-column-count Number 8 The maximum number of columns in a block grid.

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To use any of the transitions, simple add the keyword to the transition name to the element you will be showing/hiding as described in the Vue documentation.

The following transitions are available as part of ForgeUI:

  • fade
  • expand
  • slide-fade
  • zoom-in
  • zoom-out

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Inline Lists

  • One Item
  • Two Item
  • Red Item
  • Blue Item

<ul class="inline">
  <li>One Item</li>
  <li>Two Item</li>
  <li>Red Item</li>
  <li>Blue Item</li>
VariableTypeDefault ValueDescription
$list-inline-padding Number $global-padding Inline list padding.
$list-inline-spacing Number rem-calc(8) Inline list element horizontal spacing.

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The icon component is meant for simple rendering of SVG icons and has built with custom icons in mind.

The icon component uses the xlink:href attribute to point at a symbol in an SVG store elsewhere on the page. For instructions on setting up an SVG store, see this blog post.

ForgeUI also comes with a basic set of icons you can use in lieu of a custom set of SVGs. To use the ForgeUI icons, modify the source your task runner looks for SVG files in, passing along the ForgeUI include paths to gulp.src.

/* gulpfile.js */
var gulp = require('gulp');
var svgstore = require('gulp-svgstore');
var inject = require('gulp-inject');

gulp.task('default', function () {
  // use 'forge-ui/includePaths' to create a glob that includes the ForgeUI icons
  var svgs = gulp.src(require('forge-ui/includePaths').icons).pipe(svgstore({ inlineSvg: true }));

  function fileToString(filePath, file) {
    return file.contents.toString();

  return gulp.src('./index.html')
    .pipe(inject(svgs, { transform: fileToString }))

<icon name="home" :size="40"></icon>
<icon name="home"></icon>
<icon name="home" :size="10"></icon>

new Vue({
  el: '#icon_demo'
name Boolean false false Set to true to display the close button in the top right corner.
size Number false 20 the size of the icon.

ForgeUI Icons


More icons coming soon !!!

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The alert component is designed to have it's methods accessed via ref in a parent component. Calling the appropriate method attached to the ref will render an error in the box. Setting the error as a new type will clear the previous errors in the alert.

<alert ref="myAlert" :can-close="true"></alert>
<div class="row">
  <div class="small-12 medium-5 column">
    <f-input type="text" label="Alert Message" v-model="alertMessage"></f-input>
  <div class="small-12 medium-5 column">
    <f-select label="Method" v-model="selectedMessageType" :options="messageTypes" :required="true"></f-select>
  <div class="small-12 medium-2 column">
    <button type="button" class="button expanded inline-form" @click="newMessage()">Send</button>

new Vue({
  el: '#alert_demo',
  data: {
    alertMessage: '',
    selectedMessageType: 'message',
    messageTypes: [
      { value: 'message', label: 'vm.$refs.myAlert.message()' },
      { value: 'primary', label: 'vm.$refs.myAlert.primary()' },
      { value: 'secondary', label: 'vm.$refs.myAlert.secondary()' },
      { value: 'success', label: 'vm.$refs.myAlert.success()' },
      { value: 'warning', label: 'vm.$refs.myAlert.warning()' },
      { value: 'alert', label: 'vm.$refs.myAlert.alert()' },
  methods: {
    newMessage() {
canClose Boolean false false Set to true to display the close button in the top right corner.
transition String false fade The transition to use when toggling visibility on the alert.
message(message) Display a callout message with no additional color class.
primary(message) Display a callout message with the primary color class.
secondary(message) Display a callout message with the secondary color class.
success(message) Display a callout message with the success color class.
warning(message) Display a callout message with the warning color class.
alert(message) Display a callout message with the alert color class.
SCSS VariableTypeDefault ValueDescription
$alert-background-color-default Color transparent Alert box background color.
$alert-background-color-primary Color #d7ecfa Primary alert box background color.
$alert-background-color-secondary Color #eaeaea Secondary alert box background color.
$alert-background-color-success Color #e1faea Success alert box background color.
$alert-background-color-warning Color #fff3d9 Warning alert box background color.
$alert-background-color-alert Color #f7e4e1 Alert alert box background color.
$alert-border-color Color rgba(10, 10, 10, 0.25) Alert box border color.
$alert-message-padding Number 4px Vertical spacing between alert box messages.

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The Tabs component acts as a wrapper for any number of Tab components. Minimal configuration is needed to render a set of tabs, so long as the component is registered to vue.

Some tab content

Some content for another tab

Even more tab content!

  <tab heading="Foo" :selected="true">
    <p>Some tab content</p>
  <tab heading="Bar">
    <p>Some content for another tab</p>
  <tab heading="Baz">
    <p>Even more tab content!</p>

new Vue({
  el: '#tabs_demo'
Prop (tab)TypeRequiredDefaultDescription
heading String true false The text to display in the clickable tab navigation.
selected Boolean false false Activates the tab on mount when set to true.
SCSS VariableTypeDefault ValueDescription
$tab-content-padding Number $global-padding Spacing between tab content and tab nav.
$tab-nav-font-color Color $dark-gray Inactive tab nav font color.
$tab-nav-font-color-hover Color $body-font-color Hovered tab nav font color.
$tab-nav-font-color-active Color $body-font-color Active tab nav font color.
$tab-nav-border-color Color $body-font-color Tab nav border color.
$tab-nav-padding Numbers 4px 10px Tab nav item padding.

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A simple modal dialog.

modalSize String false full The size of the modal. Can be small or full.
transition String false zoom-out the modal show/hide transition.
open() Open the modal.
close() Close the modal.
SCSS VariableTypeDefault ValueDescription
$modal-size-default Number 580px Width for full sized modals.
$modal-size-small Number 300px Width for small sized modals.
$modal-padding Number $global-padding Modal padding.
$modal-background-color Color $body-background Modal background color.
$modal-overlay-color Color rgba($black, $overlay-opacity) Modal overlay background color.

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A simple prompt component meant to replace the native prompt and confirm methods. This will allow you to style the dialog to match your site and prevent users from asking the browser to suppress further dialogs.

This component is meant to get input back from the user. If you simply need to notify the user of something, use an alert component to display the information and it's canClose property if the information should be dismissable.

With great power comes great responsibility. These dialogs cannot be suppressed by the browser, so take care not to inundate the user with an endless stream of repeditive dialogs.

Both prompt methods take an options object supporting the following parameters:

  • question the dialog label to present to the user
  • yesLabel the confirm button label
  • noLabel the cancel button label
  • yes a function to execute when the user clicks the confirm button
  • no a function to execute when the user clicks the cancel button

<prompt ref="myPrompt"></prompt>
<button type="button" class="button" v-on:click="prompt('ask')">vm.$refs.myPrompt.ask()</button>
<button type="button" class="button" v-on:click="prompt('confirm')">vm.$refs.myPrompt.confirm()</button>

new Vue({
  el: '#prompt_demo',
  methods: {
    prompt(method) {
        question: 'Judge me by my size, do you?',
        yes: function (answer) {
          // if method is 'ask',
          // the dialog input value will be passed as the first argument
        no: function () {
          // the prompt will close itself,
          // but you can use this option to trigger side effects
ask(options) This provides a text input to the user to enter a custom answer similar to the native prompt() method. When clicking the confirm button the dialog input will be validated before calling the provided yes() function.
confirm(options) This provides a yes or no dialog similar to the native confirm() method.
SCSS VariableTypeDefault ValueDescription
$prompt-width Number 400px Prompt modal width.
$prompt-padding Number $global-padding Prompt modal padding.
$prompt-background-color Color $body-background Prompt modal background color.
$prompt-overlay-color Color rgba($black, $overlay-opacity) Prompt overlay background color.

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The snackbar component offers up an alternative alert style that shows a fixed position message for a short dureation before closing itself.

<snackbar ref="mySnackbar" :position="currentPosition"></snackbar>
<f-form :ajax="true" @submit="newToast">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="small-12 column">
      <f-radio label="Position" v-model="currentPosition" :options="options" name="positioningOptions"><f-radio>
    <div class="small-12 medium-5 column">
      <f-input type="text" label="Message" v-model="toast" :required="true"></f-input>
    <div class="small-12 medium-2 column">
      <button type="submit" class="button expanded inline-form">Toast!</button>

new Vue({
  el: '#snackbar_demo',
  data: {
    toast: '',
    currentPosition: 'bottom left',
    options: [
      { name: 'topOption', label: 'top', value: 'top' },
      { name: 'bottomOption', label: 'bottom', value: 'bottom' },
      { name: 'leftOption', label: 'left', value: 'left' },
      { name: 'rightOption', label: 'right', value: 'right' },
      { name: 'topLeftOption', label: 'top left', value: 'top left' },
      { name: 'topRightOption', label: 'top right', value: 'top right' },
      { name: 'bottomLeftOption', label: 'bottom left', value: 'bottom left' },
      { name: 'bottomRightOption', label: 'bottom right', value: 'bottom right' }
  methods: {
    newToast() {
      if (this.toast !== '') {
        this.$refs.mySnackbar.toast(this.toast, () => alert('bar'));
timeout Number false 4000 The delay before automatically closing the snackbar. Set to zero to disable automatically closing snackbar.
actionLabel String false Go The label for the action button if an action is provided as part of the toast() call.
transition String false fade The transition registered to vue to use when showing/hiding the snackbar.
position String false bottom left The position of the snackbar: top, bottom, left, right, top left, bottom left, top right, bottom right
toast(message, action) Show the snackbar with the provided message. If a function is provided to action, a button will be shown in the snackbar that calls the provided function. If a string is provided to action, the button will be rendered as a link with the action used for the href.
close() Close the snackbar.
SCSS VariableTypeDefault ValueDescription
$snackbar-background-color Color $dark-gray Snackbar background color.
$snackbar-font-color Color $white Snackbar message font color.
$snackbar-padding Number 1rem 1.5rem Snackbar box padding.
$snackbar-border-radius Number $global-radius Border radius for the snackbar box.

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The fForm component automatically validates it's child components on form submission and can be configured use default submission behavior or execute a callback function is inline or AJAX behavior is more desirable.

If there are any errors in the configured validation errors will be triggered on inputs and the form will not submit or execute the submitCallback.

<alert ref="myAlert" :can-close="true"></alert>
<f-form :ajax="true" @submit="showMessage">
  <f-input type="text" v-model="message" :required="true"></f-input>
  <button type="submit" class="button">Submit</button>

new Vue({
  el: '#form_demo',
  data: {
    message: ''
  methods: {
    showMessage() {
method String false POST Form method; GET or POST.
action String false empty string Form action.
ajax Boolean false false When set to true, prevents default form submission if the form is valid.
submit If ajax is set to true, a submit event will be dispatched on submission of a valid form.
SCSS VariableTypeDefault ValueDescription
$form-field-background-color Color transparent Background color for input and select elements.
$form-field-color Color $global-font-color Text color for form inputs.
$form-field-line-height Number 1.5 Line height for form input.
$form-field-font-size Number 16 Font size for form inputs.
$form-field-font-family String inherit Font family for form inputs.
$form-field-font-weight String normal Font weight for form inputs.
$form-field-border-color Color #cacaca Border color for input and select elements.
$form-field-border-size Number 1px Border size for input and select elements.
$form-field-border-style String solid border style for input and select elements.
$form-field-radius Number $global-radius border radius for input and select elements.
$form-field-padding Number 0.5rem Padding for input and select elements.
$form-field-margin Number 0 0 $global-margin Margin for form inputs.
$form-field-height Number 2.4375rem Height for input and select elements.
$form-field-width Number 100% Width for input and select elements.
$form-field-shadow-color Color rgba(10, 10, 10, 0.1) Inner shadow for focused input and select elements.

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The fInput component provides a quick and easy way to add a standardized form input with automatic validation. The fInput directive can generate a textarea or any html5 input type. Validation occurs automatically on blur.

<f-input type="email" label="Email" v-model="email" />

new Vue({
  el: '#input_demo',
  data: {
    email: ''
v-model String true Input value.
type String true Input type. Will render a textarea if set to textarea. Changing type does not otherwise change the actual input type attribute, but is used for automatic type validation on form submission.
label String false empty string The input label. Label or name will be used in error messaging for invalid inputs on form submission.
name String false The input name. Label or name will be used in error messaging for invalid inputs on form submission.
placeholder String false Input placeholder text.
required Boolean false false If set to true, will invalidate the input if the value is an empty string.
equal-to String false null If set, will invalidate the input if it's value does not match the value of equal-to.
pattern String false null If set, will invalidate the input if it's value does not match the value of equal-to.

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Renders a checkbox input

checked: {{ checked }}

<f-checkbox v-model="checked" label="My checkbox"></f-checkbox>

new Vue({
  el: '#checkbox_demo',
  data: {
    checked: false
v-model Boolean true True if checked; false if not.
label Boolean true The checkbox label.
required Boolean false false If true, will invalidate the input if the checkbox is unchecked.

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Renders a radio button input

selected: {{ selectedOption }}

<f-radio label="My Radio Group" v-model="selectedOption" :options="radioOptions" name="myRadioOptions"><f-radio>

new Vue({
  el: '#radio_demo',
  data: {
    selectedOption: '',
    radioOptions: [
      { name: 'radioOptionOne', label: 'One Option', value: '1' },
      { name: 'radioOptionTwo', label: 'Two Option', value: '2' }
v-model String true The selected value.
label String false empty string The label for the radio button group.
name String true The name for the radio button group.
options Array true An array of options to render for the radio group: { name: 'foo', label: 'bar', value: 'baz' }
required Boolean false false If set to true, will invalidate the input if an option is not selected.

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Renders a select input given a set of options

selected: {{ selectedOption }}

<f-select v-model="selectedOption" :options="selectOptions"></f-select>

new Vue({
  el: '#select_demo',
  data: {
    selectedOption: '',
    selectOptions: [
      { label: 'One Option', value: '1' },
      { label: 'Two Option', value: '2' },
      { label: 'Red Option', value: 'Red' },
      { label: 'Blue Option', value: 'Blue' }
v-model String true The selected option value.
label Boolean false empty string The select label.
options Array true An array of options objects to render: { label: 'foo', value: 'bar' }
requires Boolean false false If set to true, the select will not render an empty option element, and will set the selected option to the first available option.

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Form Validation

Required Field Validation

You can easy check for required values by attaching the :required="true" to most Forge input components.

Attaching the required attribute to a select element will prevent that element from rendering an empty option as a child of the select.

<f-form :ajax="true" @submit="submit">
  <f-input type="text" v-model="input" label="My Input" :required="true"></f-input>
  <f-select v-model="selectedOption" :options="selectOptions" :required="true"></f-select>
  <f-checkbox v-model="checked" label="My checkbox" :required="true"></f-checkbox>
  <f-radio v-model="selectedOption" :options="radioOptions" label="My Radio Group" name="myRadioOptions" :required="true"></f-radio>
  <button type="submit" class="button">Submit</button>

new Vue({
  el: '#required-validation',
  data: {
    input: '',
    selectedOption: '',
    selectOptions: [
      { label: 'One Option', value: '1' },
      { label: 'Two Option', value: '2' },
      { label: 'Red Option', value: 'Red' },
      { label: 'Blue Option', value: 'Blue' }
    checked: false,
    selectedOption: '',
    radioOptions: [
      { name: 'radioOptionOne', label: 'One Option', value: '1' },
      { name: 'radioOptionTwo', label: 'Two Option', value: '2' },
  methods: {
    submit() {
      alert('Form is valid!');

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Field Type Validation

Validating a form field against a particular type is as simple as passing a type attribute to the component. To skip field type validation, set your input type to text.

This is the current list of input types that are automatically validated:

  • email
  • url
  • number
  • tel

<f-form :ajax="true" @submit="submit">
  <f-input type="email" v-model="emailInput" label="Email"></f-input>
  <f-input type="url" v-model="urlInput" label="URL"></f-input>
  <f-input type="number" v-model="numberInput" label="Number"></f-input>
  <f-input type="tel" v-model="telInput" label="Tel"></f-input>
  <button type="submit" class="button">Submit</button>

new Vue({
  el: '#type-validation',
  data: {
    emailInput: '',
    urlInput: '',
    numberInput: '',
    telInput: ''
  methods: {
    submit() {
      alert('Form is valid!');

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Match Validation

To match an input's value against the value of another input, pass the match value into the input via the equal-to attribute.

<f-form :ajax="true" @submit="submit">
  <f-input type="text" v-model="passwordInput" label="Password"></f-input>
  <f-input type="text" v-model="confirmInput" label="Confirm Password" :equal-to="{ label: 'Password', value: passwordInput }"></f-input>
  <button type="submit" class="button">Submit</button>

new Vue({
  el: '#match-validation',
  data: {
    passwordInput: '',
    confirmInput: ''
  methods: {
    submit() {
      alert('Form is valid!');

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Customizing Forge

ForgeUI is built to customize. The following options giv eyou the ability to modify component templates and/or rename components for maximum flexibility. This allows you to keep the components from this library in sync with your apps style guide without clobbering styles or duplicating code.


Forge.cast(component, template, componentName)

component String true The name of the component to cast.
template String false The new template string to override the default template with.
componentName String false The alias to use for the component.

The Forge.cast() method is your primary way of customizing components before registering them to Vue. Use this method to change component templates or to rename components without creating a new component file.

You can customize and rename as many components as you like, up until the point where Vue.use(Forge) is invoked, at which point all unregistered components will be added to Vue.

Forge will register all components that have not been registered to the default component names. For example, is you rename the modal component, and then add Forge to Vue, Forge will still initialize the default modal component to the <modal></modal> component. However, if you change the template of the modal component, Forge will not re-register the same element. This ensures that all the components used by Forge are available, without clobbering any component customizations that have already been registered to Forge.

import Vue from 'vue';
import Forge from 'forge-ui';

// Register a component with a custom template (optional)
import myTemplate from './template.html';
Forge.cast('modal', myTemplate);

// Register a component with a custom name (optional)
Forge.cast('modal', null, 'my-modal'); // you can now use the modal component with <my-modal></my-modal>

// Register all Forge components to Vue

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Customizing SCSS

Forge comes with a compiled and minified CSS file in the dist folder for prototyping and quick starts. To import the SCSS files as part of your build process, forge comes packages with an extra utility file in the root of the module that will allow you to easily add the appropriate include paths to your Gulp build.

/* gulpfile.js */
var gulp = require('gulp');
var sass = require('gulp-sass');

gulp.task('styles', function () {
  return gulp.src('path/to/styles.scss')
    .pipe(sass({includePaths: require('forge-ui/includePaths').styles})

For more customization of the styling, each Vue and CSS component comes with a host of SCSS variables that can be configured to taste for each app.

Each variable is declared as a default, so overriding these values is easy. First, though, you'll need to set up your main SCSS file with a settings import and Forge import.

/* /scss/style.css */

@import "_settings";
@import "forge-ui";

/* ... */

At this point, customization is as easy as finding the component in the documentation you wish to modify, and copying the variable name into _settings.scss.

For example, if we want to change the body background color to an off-white color we could add the following to _settings.scss:

/* /scss/_settings.scss */

$body-background: #fefefe;

/* ... */

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